Saturday, 22 October 2011

We Die Alone

Do your friends feel like you turned into someone whom you used to know? Its really sad to be honest. At one moment, you're on this train which is rolling smoothly and you're in total control but suddenly, you face this diversion or a basic change in the normal routine and you're totally thrown off guard. You try your best to adapt, be yourself. Sadly, it turns out that you're doing actually the opposite. If you think that you can befriend an alien surrounding and still be yourself, its impossible. Its like Bombing will bring peace or so to say in simpler terms, "fucking with virginity" (Credits - Sahiba Bali. One of the most
awesoment status updates ever on facebook). You feel as if you're slowly starting to belong in this new place, it feels great. You try to forget all the old bad stuff and you feel all this is new and positive and that its a new beginning. You're totally mistaken. You find out this new atmostphere is all about people being fake and making fun of others for their entertainment. Non-serious people who don't seem to care as to what others say. They just have their own say and feel as if its the gospel truth. On the other hand, you;re trying your best to keep with your true friends. You feel like you're loosing them. You're trying frantically to balance everything, but its not working. Its all falling apart, perishing into thin air.

But then there's this wake up call. WAKE THE FUCK UP MAN! Analyze your position. Are these people around you really your friends? Or are you for them just a piece of entertainment or a burden? Evil feelings are crossing your mind, running through the Central Nervous System. The signals go to your body parts, sense organs. Your head starts to ache, you wish you could just fly. You start perspiring. You're scared. Then there's the lending hand. Helps you get up. Back on your feet. You try to regain everything you've lost. Slowly, its working. The heart is now conquering the mind. Thats supposed to be a good thing,
right? It feels better. You don't care about all the anxiety and confusion but it still bothers you sometimes.  Sometimes it really takes a toll on your thinking. You make drastic changes and think as if there is no other solution. You rush into things. Madenning schedules, tired brain, aching body parts. I just want to sleep. But I want to know a lot more before I shut off. Why did something just happen? What triggered it? A stream of questions, but just a bunch of answers. Progress is good, but slow progress might as well be harmful. Now you have no time left. 1 and half year and school will end. Its like almost right there, but still so far away.

You wish you could have the best of both worlds. But true friends and family seem to be the focus and priority at this point. Don't lose the feeling, don't forget your goal. Let others say what they have to say, only a certain number of people are important to you. They are the ones that make your life. They are surely a part of it right now, but make sure that they always continue to be a part of if, come what may. Arrogant bitches and self centered people come and go. You just have to ignore them and move on. MOVE ON.


Disguise said...

I could actually relate to this.

Yatin said...

Thanks? :)

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